Hello, World!

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Well, what can I say? I’ve decided to start a blog. And no, not a blog about white bears (even though they are really cute). Just a blog about my life!

I’m just an ordinary sixteen years old girl who has been wanting to create a blog for a really long time, but I am a really indecisive person (here, now you know something about me!). I wasn’t sure if anyone was going to read my blog, I didn’t know what people were going to think of it… But today, I thought why don’t I just start writing and see what comes out of it?

I decided to make this blog anonymous because of many obvious reasons. But one of them is that I can express myself and not being judged because some people might actually know who I am. So, you can get to know me without actually knowing who I am… But I don’t just want to be that closed-off person, so…

Here are some things I would like to tell you about myself:

  1. Photography. If you knew me, you would probably always see me with a camera. And even if I don’t have one with me, I’ll try to make the pictures I take on my phone as perfect as they can be. Photographs can tell a story, and with their help, I want to tell my story.
  2. Travel. The things I want to thank my parents for. Since I was three years old, we’ve traveled to so many places, and my love for adventures has been growing even since. It’s just something magical when you see different cultures and even just different landscapes. This is probably my favorite topic to talk about, so get excited haha!
  3. Dancing. I used to dance a lot when I was little. I don’t dance anymore, but it is still my passion. While dancing, I’ve been broken and fixed by some people, but it’s a completely different story, which I might tell you some other time. The things that made me dance were, well, my mom, because she was the one who introduced me to the huge world of different dance styles, and that grace with which dancers, again, are telling a story.
  4. Studying. That might sound weird and not heard often in the modern world, but that’s what make me “me”. Going to school, learning new things, not just there, but through life, is something that, I believe, keeps us going. Sometimes, you might hear me talk about how stressed I am and that I’m tired of waking up at 6 am. But during the breaks and holidays, I just feel like I need to do those things and not to let my brain dry out completely.
  5. White bear. People don’t get it, and that’s why I wanted to talk about this. When I was younger, I used to have that white skiing costume. And one of my friends saw me and suddenly said that I looked like a white bear. Since then, she associates me with it, and I honestly love it (admit it, you think bears are cute, too). So, here I am, “being” a white bear and having a blog!

That’s it for now! I haven’t told you probably the most noticeable thing about me, but it’s only my first post! There’s a lot to come. Here’s to new beginnings! (I typed this holding my water bottle, cheers, lol)

Thank you for reading (if anyone actually finds this blog) and let’s be friends! Let me know what you think and share your story!

xx wb

10 thoughts on “Hello, World!

  1. Elm says:

    Honestly I love how you love learning new things! I do, except when it’s in a stifling environment. Also, your first post is awesome 🙂 I’m the same as to why I decided to create an anonymous blog. It just means that I can talk about things more openly, without filtering my words! Welcome to blogging XX

    Liked by 2 people

  2. renrcal says:

    I love that you are allowing yourself the freedom to speak your mind and heart without fear of being judged. I am sure you will do fantastic at this and will be followed by many. I hope you continue this journey and I look forward to seeing many more posts!

    Liked by 1 person

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